Monday, March 8, 2010


Dirty Chavez :
Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez blasted Secretary of State Hilary Clinton today, and said she was simply a "blonde Condeleeza Rice" - to which Bill Clinton responded, "That's pretty hot. Let's work with that."

This is Your "Pilot" Speaking :
A man was arrested in a Dutch airport this weekend in possession of a fake pilot's license - looks like it's back to waiting in the back seat of the car as his older brother flies the plane for him.

The Outlaw Lil' Wayne :
Hip-hop artist Lil' Wayne was convicted to one year in prison today stemming from an arrest last year for illegal gun possession. Lil' Wayne is expected to change his image in prison, and has supposedly already adopted a new nickname - "Lil' Bitch."

Youth in Asia :
The Chinese government conducted a study which concluded that a record number of children in the country are obese. They plan to rectify the shocking discovery by setting up after school exercise programs for the boys and by castrating, stoning, and drowning
the girls.

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