Thursday, August 27, 2009


Shiit-ing on the Black Eyed Peas :
Muslims have been banned from attending a Black Eyed Peas concert which will take place later this month in Malaysia. Authorities said that they will investigate the ban as soon as someone complains.

Mmmm... African Homer :
An advertising agency in the African nation of Angola has launched a nationwide campaign depicting the American cartoon family the Simpsons as black. The effectiveness of the campaign has inspired the agency to depict other American icons as black, starting with Will Smith.

Portrait - Book :
CNN reports that a growing trend on the online social network Facebook is people putting personal portraits up as a profile picture in lieu of a photograph. Did you hear that females with a pretty face who are 20 to 30 pounds overweight? There's hope for you yet!

Step on It! :
Earlier this week, a New Jersey man robbed a bank then proceeded to run outside and hail a cab to get away. The man, who was later arrested, said "I mistimed the bus schedule."

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