Monday, April 26, 2010


A Dog Gay Afternoon :
A restaurant owner in Adelaide, Australia is being sued for denying a blind man entry to his establishment because he allegedly thought that his seeing eye dog was gay. In fairness to the owner, the dog wouldn't have been let in anyway in cutoffs and roller blades.

Federico Cant-see-ni :
Emerson University in Massachusetts is now offering a film making course only for blind students - though it's hard to imagine how many original films students can make about the back side of a lens cap.

Pill Your Guts :
The birth control pill celebrates its 50th anniversary this week. It's not all cause to celebrate, however, as this week also marks the 50th anniversary of the death of pulling out.

Beam Me Up North, Scotty :
Leonard Nimoy, most famous for playing Spock in Star Trek, visited the town of Vulcan in Alberta, Canada this weekend where he had his hand print bronzed in the town square. In related news, Leonard Nimoy has officially called it a life.

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